Cox Settles Lawsuit Over ‘Abusive’ DMCA Notice Campaign

Cox Settles Lawsuit Over ‘Abusive’ DMCA Notice Campaign

Internet provider Cox Communications has been on the sharp end of several piracy lawsuits in recent years. In December 2015, a Virginia federal jury held Cox Communications responsible for pirating subscribers, ordering the company to pay music publisher BMG Rights Management $25 million in damages. This damages figure was reduced in a settlement agreement but, soon after, the Internet provider was hit with a $1 billion jury verdict...

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Use df to check free disk space on Linux

Use df to check free disk space on Linux

Drive space isn’t quite as precious as it was in the early days of computing, but no matter how much space you have, there’s always the potential to run out. Computers need a little space just to operate, so it’s important to check occasionally to ensure you haven’t inadvertently used up literally all the space available on your drive. In the Linux terminal, you can do that with the df command. The df command...

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5 reasons you should run your apps on WildFly

5 reasons you should run your apps on WildFly

WildFly, formerly known as JBoss Application Server, is an open source Java EE application server. Its primary goal is to provide a set of vital tools for enterprise Java applications. According to the Jakarta EE 2020/2021 survey, WildFly is head and shoulders above in the recent application servers and in the rating categories. Here are some of the reasons why: read more Powered by...

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