Movie Companies Want U.S. Internet Provider ‘Frontier’ to Block Pirate Sites

Movie Companies Want U.S. Internet Provider ‘Frontier’ to Block Pirate Sites

Over the past two decades, online piracy has proven a massive challenge for the entertainment industries. It’s a global issue that’s hard to contain, but Hollywood and the major U.S. record labels are at the forefront of this battle. One of the key strategies they’ve employed in recent years is website blocking. US companies have traveled to courts all over the world to have ISP blockades put in place, with quite a bit of success....

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Hollyood & Netflix Sue Repeat Pirate IPTV Operator For Massive Copyright Infringement

Hollyood & Netflix Sue Repeat Pirate IPTV Operator For Massive Copyright Infringement

Last summer, customers of pirate IPTV service Area 51 began receiving emails indicating the service would be shutting down. “We have been forced to make this very difficult decision, and close Area 51. We had quite a run, and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without customers like you,” the email began. While this initially sounded like bad news for subscribers, customers of the shuttered service soon began receiving emails from a...

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Encrypt and decrypt files with a passphrase on Linux

Encrypt and decrypt files with a passphrase on Linux

Encryption and security for protecting files and sensitive documents have long been a concern for users. Even as more and more of our data is housed on websites and cloud services, protected by user accounts with ever-more secure and challenging passwords, there’s still great value in being able to store sensitive data on our own filesystems, especially when we can encrypt that data quickly and easily. read more Powered by...

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3 reasons Quarkus 2.0 improves developer productivity on Linux

3 reasons Quarkus 2.0 improves developer productivity on Linux

No matter how long you work as an application developer and no matter what programming language you use, you probably still struggle to increase your development productivity. Additionally, new paradigms, including cloud computing, DevOps, and test-driven development, have significantly accelerated the development lifecycle for individual developers and multifunctional teams. read more Powered by...

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Lessons in openness from Japan’s “business reinvention”

Lessons in openness from Japan’s “business reinvention”

In The Business Reinvention of Japan, Ulrike Schaede explores Japan’s approach to economic development in the late 20th and early 21st century. Her thesis is that this approach—what she calls an “aggregate niche strategy”—offers important lessons for the West by balancing the pursuit of corporate profit with social stability, economic equality, and social responsibility and sustainability. read more Powered by...

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