Eventbrite Promoted Illegal Opioid Sales to People Searching for Addiction Recovery Help

A WIRED investigation found thousands of Eventbrite posts selling escort services and drugs like Xanax and oxycodone—some of which the company’s algorithm recommended alongside addiction recovery events. Powered by...

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Thriving Affiliate Marketing Business With XERA Pro

A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Thriving Affiliate Marketing Business With XERA Pro

The world of blockchain technology is rapidly evolving, and XERA Pro aims to be at the forefront of this revolution. By empowering individuals through education, opportunities, and a collaborative community, XERA Pro is making blockchain accessible to everyone. But what if you want to do more than just participate? What if you want to become […] Powered by...

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PEPE Soars to All-Time High Spurred by Speculation of Spot Ether ETF Approval

PEPE Soars to All-Time High Spurred by Speculation of Spot Ether ETF Approval

The Ethereum-based memecoin Pepe (PEPE) experienced a significant price surge of 40% since Monday to a new all-time high, fueled by the speculation that the U.S. SEC might approve spot ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Crypto traders and analysts, observing the movement between ether’s price rise and PEPE’s surge, speculate further growth for PEPE, reflecting the […] Powered by...

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Farcaster Secures $150M in Funding, Reaches $1B Valuation With Backing From Paradigm

Farcaster Secures $150M in Funding, Reaches $1B Valuation With Backing From Paradigm

Farcaster, a decentralized social media platform leveraging the Ethereum blockchain and Optimism’s Layer two ecosystem, has successfully raised $150 million in a funding round led by Paradigm, bringing its valuation to $1 billion. The funds will be used to sustain the project’s development, focusing on growing its user base and enhancing developer tools, after the […] Powered by...

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Zest Protocol Co-founder: Adding New Programming Capabilities Could Propel BTC’s Defi Ecosystem Beyond ETH’s

Zest Protocol Co-founder: Adding New Programming Capabilities Could Propel BTC’s Defi Ecosystem Beyond ETH’s

According to Tycho Onnasch, co-founder of Zest Protocol, new programming capabilities which can be added to Bitcoin could help the leading crypto asset cancel out Ethereum’s early advantage of being able to deploy decentralized finance (defi) on Layer one (L1). Onnasch argued that once enough Bitcoin Layer two solutions (L2s) are deployed and trusted by […] Powered by...

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