Company Registers YTS and Popcorn Time Trademarks to Promote Legal Streaming

Company Registers YTS and Popcorn Time Trademarks to Promote Legal Streaming

Copyright holders can take a wide variety of measures to address piracy, with some being more effective than others. Hawaiian attorney Kerry Culpepper has tried different approaches. Given his profession, most of these take place in the legal realm. That includes lawsuits against downloaders and owners of well-known pirate sites and apps, including YTS, MKVcage, Cotomovies, Popcorn Time, and Showbox. These actions have resulted in...

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My Linux Story: From 8-bit enthusiast to Unix sysadmin

My Linux Story: From 8-bit enthusiast to Unix sysadmin

It all started in the mid-1980s with an Apple ][c that my parents purchased for our family. Although I enjoyed playing games, I quickly became fascinated with BASIC programming and how useful it could be for work and fun. This was an era when computers were viewed as little more than typewriters, so people with “advanced computer skills” could easily use them to their advantage. read...

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Create web tutorials with Reveal.js and Git

Create web tutorials with Reveal.js and Git

Whether you’re a learner or a teacher, you probably recognize the value of online workshops set up like slideshows for communicating knowledge. If you’ve ever stumbled upon one of these well-organized tutorials that are set up page by page, chapter by chapter, you may have wondered how hard it was to create such a website. Well, I’m here to show you how easy it is to generate this type of workshop using a fully...

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