7 tips for writing an effective technical resume

7 tips for writing an effective technical resume

If you’re a software engineer or a manager in the technology sector, creating or updating your resume can be a daunting task. What is most important to consider? How should you handle the formatting, the content, and your objective or summary? What work experience is relevant? How can you make sure automated recruitment tools don’t filter out your resume? As a hiring manager over the last seven years, I have seen a wide...

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Spilling over: How working openly with anxiety affects my team

Spilling over: How working openly with anxiety affects my team

Editor’s note: This article is part of a series on working with mental health conditions. It details the author’s personal experiences and is not meant to convey professional medical advice or guidance. I was speaking with one of my direct reports recently about a discussion we’d had with the broader team earlier in the week. In that discussion I had expressed some frustration that we weren’t as far along on a...

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