5 ops hacks for sysadmins

5 ops hacks for sysadmins

As a sysadmin, every day I am faced with problems I need to solve quickly because there are users and managers who expect things to run smoothly. In a large environment like the one I manage, it’s nearly impossible to know all of the systems and products from end to end, so I have to use creative techniques to find the source of the problems and (hopefully) come up with solutions. read...

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How I upgraded my CuBox open source music server

How I upgraded my CuBox open source music server

Back in early 2014, I purchased my first ARM-based computer, a SolidRun CuBox-i4. My goal for the CuBox was to have a headless device (e.g., no display) that takes up minimal space in the audio equipment shelf, makes minimal noise, and serves music files to my digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and thus to the rest of the stereo. On paper, the CuBox was a perfect fit. read...

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Are you being the right person for DevOps?

Are you being the right person for DevOps?

What does it mean to be the “right” person in a DevOps environment? That’s the question that Josh Atwell, senior tech advocate at Splunk, tried to answer in his Lightning Talk at All Things Open 2019. “Being the right person for DevOps is being more than just your ops/dev role,” says Josh. “In order to be the right person for DevOps, you have to be improving yourself, and you have to be working...

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