DevOps is a solution to burnout worth investing in

DevOps is a solution to burnout worth investing in

Not a day goes by that I don’t see a tweet or hear somebody talking about burnout. Burnout is becoming a pervasive part of our lives, especially in tech and open source communities. In What you need to know about burnout in open source communities, I defined burnout and explored its causes, symptoms, and potential treatments. But a better question is about prevention: How do we change the underlying processes, cultures, and...

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State saves millions with open source EHR

State saves millions with open source EHR

In the decade since they were made a cornerstone of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act in 2009, electronic health records (EHRs) have become omnipresent in the US health system. EHRs enable healthcare providers to keep track of their patients’ medical data and share it with other authorized parties. read...

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