President Trump Signs USMCA Trade Deal that ‘Exports’ US Copyright Policy

President Trump Signs USMCA Trade Deal that ‘Exports’ US Copyright Policy

Last month the United States, Canada, and Mexico signed off on a new trade deal, which replaced the quarter-century old the NAFTA agreement. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) will accommodate changes in trade that the three countries have witnessed over the years, especially online. After the US Senate passed the legislation earlier this month, President Trump has now signed the new text into law. Replacing NAFTA with...

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5 ways to use Emacs as your RPG dashboard

5 ways to use Emacs as your RPG dashboard

There are two ways to play a tabletop role-playing game (RPG): You can play an adventure written by the game’s publisher or an independent author, or you can play an adventure that is made up as you go. Regardless of which you choose, there’s probably prep work to do. One player (generically called the game master) must gather monster or enemy stats, loot tables, and references for rules, and the other players must build...

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Create a real-time object tracking camera with TensorFlow and Raspberry Pi

Create a real-time object tracking camera with TensorFlow and Raspberry Pi

Are you just getting started with machine/deep learning, TensorFlow, or Raspberry Pi? I created rpi-deep-pantilt as an interactive demo of object detection in the wild, and in this article, I’ll show you how to reproduce the video below, which depicts a camera panning and tilting to track my movement across a room. read...

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Choosing the right tools for your open source projects

Choosing the right tools for your open source projects

Every open source community wants to make it easier for community members to participate and contribute. Typically, there are discussions on cultural aspects of the community to lower barriers to entry, such as fostering a friendly and welcoming environment, onboarding processes, mentorship, code of conduct, etc. However, in my discussions with several open source communities (e.g., Freedesktop, GNOME, KDE, etc.), I found that one of...

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