IPTV Service SET TV Must Pay $7.6 Million in Piracy Damages

IPTV Service SET TV Must Pay $7.6 Million in Piracy Damages

Last year the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), an anti-piracy partnership forged between Hollywood studios, Netflix, Amazon, and others, sued Florida-based SET Broadcast, LLC. At the time, the company offered a popular software-based IPTV service and also sold pre-loaded set-top boxes. While it was marketed as a legal service, according to ACE members SET TV’s software was little more than a pirate tool, allowing...

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Home Owners to Be Held Liable For Pirate Boxes, Malaysia Says

Home Owners to Be Held Liable For Pirate Boxes, Malaysia Says

Many governments around the world regularly complain that their countries are negatively affected by piracy. The only thing that differs is how seriously the problem is treated on the ground and how far they’re prepared to go in order to deal with unlicensed consumption. There are many strategies available but the government in Malaysia is currently considering something unheard of anywhere on the planet. While it hasn’t...

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Understanding file paths and how to use them in Linux

Understanding file paths and how to use them in Linux

A file path is the human-readable representation of a file or folder’s location on a computer system. You’ve seen file paths, although you may not realize it, on the internet: An internet URL, despite ancient battles fought by proprietary companies like AOL and CompuServe, is actually just a path to a (sometimes dynamically created) file on someone else’s computer. read...

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New research article type embeds live code and data

New research article type embeds live code and data

While science is supposed to be about building on each other’s findings to improve our understanding of the world around us, reproducing and reusing previously published results remains challenging, even in the age of the internet. The basic format of the scientific paper—the primary means through which scientists communicate their findings—has more or less remained the same since the first papers were published in...

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Getting started with the BBC Microbit

Getting started with the BBC Microbit

Whether you are a maker, a teacher, or someone looking to expand your Python skillset, the BBC:Microbit has something for you. It was designed by the British Broadcasting Corporation to support computer education in the United Kingdom. The open hardware board is half the size of a credit card and packed with an ARM processor, a three-axis accelerometer, a three-axis magnetometer, a Micro USB port, a 25-pin edge connector, and 25 LEDs...

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