32-bit life support: Cross-compiling with GCC

32-bit life support: Cross-compiling with GCC

If you’re a developer creating binary packages, like an RPM, DEB, Flatpak, or Snap, you have to compile code for a variety of different target platforms. Typical targets include 32-bit and 64-bit x86 and ARM. You could do your builds on different physical or virtual machines, but that means maintaining several systems. Instead, you can use the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to cross-compile, producing binaries for several...

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You can tinker with this conference badge

You can tinker with this conference badge

In the beginning, there were conferences. Over time, as those conferences grew, attendees needed ways to identify each other. This need gave us the conference badge. No one knows what the first conference badges looked like, but we can be confident that they were relatively simple affairs. Over time, paper was put into plastic sleeves, which eventually became information printed on hard plastic. Sometimes that plastic wasn’t...

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How to teach software engineering students about the enterprise

How to teach software engineering students about the enterprise

In this opinion article, you will find a set of suggestions for the inclusion of enterprise technology into software engineering courses. This piece goes through the difficulties that students face and proposes simplifications successfully used in the past. The continual advancement of enterprise technologies leads to a simplifying of the inclusion process in education. read...

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