Introducing pydbgen: A random dataframe/database table generator

Introducing pydbgen: A random dataframe/database table generator

When you start learning data science, often your biggest worry is not the algorithms or techniques but getting access to raw data. While there are many high-quality, real-life datasets available on the web for trying out cool machine learning techniques, I’ve found that the same is not true when it comes to learning SQL. read...

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Revisiting the Unix philosophy in 2018

Revisiting the Unix philosophy in 2018

In 1984, Rob Pike and Brian W. Kernighan published an article called “Program Design in the Unix Environment” in the AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, in which they argued the Unix philosophy, using the example of BSD’s cat -v implementation. In a nutshell that philosophy is: Build small, focused programs—in whatever language—that do only one thing but do this thing well, communicate via...

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