Anti-Censorship VPN Service Agrees to Block Major Pirate Sites

Anti-Censorship VPN Service Agrees to Block Major Pirate Sites

Back in June, Hurricane Electic, one of the major network providers and operator of the largest IPv6 backbone, took action to prevent damage to its business. Hurricane provides services to large Internet-focused businesses, including ISPs, which in turn have thousands of customers, all of whom are free to use their connections as they wish. However, a group of movie companies, all of which are known for filing copyright complaints in...

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Danish Police Eyes Torrent Tracker Users After Arrest and Shutdowns

Danish Police Eyes Torrent Tracker Users After Arrest and Shutdowns

Private BitTorrent trackers are niche sites in most parts of the world but in Denmark they are huge. With millions of views per month, sites such as ShareUniversity and Asgrd are among the most popular sites in the country. This was also the case with DanishBits until it suddenly went offline a few weeks ago. At the time, several sources informed us that the owner was arrested and, this week, official confirmation came in that this is...

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What web developers love about the Brackets text editor

What web developers love about the Brackets text editor

The Brackets text editor is an editor geared primarily at web developers. Appropriately, its Edit menu is full of functions especially useful to users of web programming languages, with a focus on the classic combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, it supports many languages and formats relevant to the internet, including XML, Markdown, YAML and JSON, PHP, Lua, Java, and Python, as well as some common general languages like...

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